RFID Tagging at the Aggregate level: Implications for Using Groupings


Authors: Faiz Currim, Sudha Ram

Tags: 2008

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is finding widespread utility, particularly in the area of supply chain management. RFID tags may be attached to individual items or object collections such as containers and pallets, with the
latter practice being more common at this time. A pallet can be viewed as a collection of items, or a grouping. We examine the semantics of groupings for conceptual database design (including criteria to examine whether it is weak or strong), and suggest a distinction between regular and content-referenced emergent attributes. We also discuss problems that arise when translating groupings during logical design owing to the lack of in-built support in common relational database management systems, and suggest some alternatives to address the deficiencies.

Cite as:
Currim F., Ram S. (2008). “RFID Tagging at the Aggregate level: Implications for Using Groupings,” in AIS SIGSAND, Provo, Utah, United States, May 23-24, 2008.