Secure Multi-party Computation for Inter-organizational Process Mining


Authors: Alisa Pankova, Gamal Elkoumy, Marlon Dumas, Matthias Weidlich, Peeter Laud, Stephan A. Fahrenkrog-Petersen

Tags: 2020, conceptual modeling

Process mining is a family of techniques for analyzing business processes based on event logs extracted from information systems. Mainstream process mining tools are designed for intra-organizational settings, insofar as they assume that an event log is available for processing as a whole. The use of such tools for inter-organizational process analysis is hampered by the fact that such processes involve independent parties who are unwilling to, or sometimes legally prevented from, sharing detailed event logs with each other. In this setting, this paper proposes an approach for constructing and querying a common artifact used for process mining, namely the frequency and time-annotated Directly-Follows Graph (DFG), over multiple event logs belonging to different parties, in such a way that the parties do not share the event logs with each other. The proposal leverages an existing platform for secure multi-party computation, namely Sharemind. Since a direct implementation of DFG construction in Sharemind suffers from scalability issues, we propose to rely on vectorization of event logs and to employ a divide-and-conquer scheme for parallel processing of sub-logs. The paper reports on experiments that evaluate the scalability of the approach on real-life logs.

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