Semi-automatic Derivation of RESTful Interactions from Choreography Diagrams


Authors: Adriatik Nikaj, Fabian Pittke, Jan Mendling, Mathias Weske

Tags: 2016, conceptual modeling

Enterprises reach out for collaborations with other organizations in order to offer complex products and services to the market. Such collaboration and coordination between different organizations, for a good share, is facilitated by information technology. The BPMN choreography diagram is a modeling language for specifying the exchange of information and services between different organizations at the business level. Recently, there is a surging use of the REST architectural style for the provisioning of services on the Web, but no systematic engineering approach to design their collaboration. In this paper, we address this gap by defining a semi-automatic method for the derivation of RESTful interactions from choreography diagrams. The method is based on natural language analysis techniques to derive interactions from the textual information in choreography diagrams. The proposed method is evaluated in terms of effectiveness and considered to be useful by REST developers.

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