SUPER — Visual interaction with an object-based ER model


Authors: Annamaria Auddino, Edi Fontana, Stefano Spaccapietra, Yann Dupont, Yves Dennebouy, Zahir Tari

Tags: 1992, conceptual modeling

SUPER is a project aiming at the specification and development of a consistent set of visual user interfaces covering all phases of the database lifecycle. In this paper we discuss the basic principles which, in our opinion, should underline a global approach to visual interaction with advanced data models. Visual interaction in SUPER environment is based on direct manipulation of objects and functions, providing users with maximum flexibility during schema definition as well as query formulation. Graphical interactions are easy to manage, and take advantage of the support of a simple but powerful modelling paradigm. Visual data manipulation is assertional and object-based. The environment offers multiple interaction styles, well-suited for various categories of users. Interaction styles are consistent over the various functions and editors. To support the discussion, SUPER schema and query editors are analyzed, focusing on functionalities, and the underlying design choices, rather than precisely describing how they operate. An example of query formulation shows the rules used to govern interactions with users.

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