Teaching cases


Many courses teaching systems analysis and design topics take advantange of case studies for illustrating the concepts, techniques and issues related to the analysis and design of information technologies.

Below you will find teaching cases which are published in books, journal articles, conferences, or as AIS SIGSAND Teaching Cases Series.

AIS SIGSAND Teaching Cases Series

The AIS SIGSAND Teaching Cases Series is a collection of teaching cases submitted directly to SIGSAND and not published elsewhere. Please submit your case for consideration for the inclusion in the AIS SIGSAND Teaching Cases Series by emailing it to admin@sigsand.com. The submissions may be sent to 1-2 anonymous reviewers. The current President of AIS SIGSAND makes the decision to accept or reject the case based on the recommendation of the reviewers and own assessment of the quality, contribution and fit to SIGSAND.

Our most recent teaching case is below:

Cases published in journals, books and conferences

View the teaching cases published in journals, books and conferences