The measurement of perceived ontological deficiencies of conceptualmodeling grammars


Authors: Jan Recker, Michael Rosemann

Tags: 2010, conceptual modeling

Over recent years, many scholars have studied the conceptual modeling of information sys-tems based on a theory of ontological expressiveness. This theory offers four constructsthat inform properties of modeling grammars in the form of ontological deficiencies, andtheir implications for development and use of conceptual modeling in IS practice. In thispaper we report on the development of a valid and reliable instrument for measuringthe perceptions that individuals have of the ontological deficiencies of conceptual model-ing grammars. We describe a multi-stage approach for instrument development that incor-porates feedback from expert and user panels. We also report on a field test of theinstrument with 590 modeling practitioners. We further study how different levels of mod-eling experience influence user perceptions of ontological deficiencies of modeling gram-mars. We provide implications for practice and future research.

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