The MOSKitt4ME Approach: Providing Process Support in a Method Engineering Context


Authors: Manoli Albert, Mario Cervera, Vicente Pelechano, Victoria Torres

Tags: 2012, conceptual modeling

It is commonly agreed that software developments methods must be defined (or adapted) in-house in order to meet the particular needs of the organizations where they are to be applied. To help meet this challenge, Method Engineering (ME) research aims to provide solutions to efficiently deal with the definition and adaptation of methods, and the construction of the supporting software tools. However, while the product part of methods is fully considered by most ME approaches, the specification and enactment of the process part is less well-supported. To fill this gap, this work presents a methodological ME approach and a Computer-Aided Method Engineering (CAME) environment (MOSKitt4ME) that support the design and implementation of the process part of methods in the context of Model-Driven Engineering. The proposal is illustrated by means of a real case study from the Valencian Regional Ministry of Infrastructure, Territory and Environment.

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