The Object-Oriented Entity-Relationship Model (OOERM)


Authors: Joobin Choobineh

Tags: 1990, conceptual modeling, KEVIN GORMAN

The Object-Oriented Entity-Relationship Model (OOERM) and its associ- ated diagramming technique (OOERD) are presented as a nattiral extension to the ER approach for modeling the dynamics of entity classes. In addition to modeling static properties, OOERM incorporates concepts from the object-oriented programming (oop) paradigm to model operational properties of entities. Relationships among entities are used in message passing to allow an entity to access the attributes and operations of other related entities. An OOERD is a graphical abstraction of an underlying OOERM scheme description that is used to depict the dynamics of message passing among entities. The synergy between OOP and ERconcepts is also discussed. The syntax and semantics of the OOERM language are informally presented, along with the graphic notations and icons of the OOERD. Structural and operational modeling in OOERM is illustrated through examples.

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