The role of meta models in federating system modelling techniques


Authors: Arkady B. Zaslavsky, Phillip M. Steele

Tags: 1993, conceptual modeling

Given the large number of system modelling techniques currently available, and the continual need to develop new and improved paradigms and approaches, it must be accepted that this diversity is inevitable, and perhaps even desirable. At the same time, it must be admitted, that the lack of integration and interoperability creates difficulties in effectively combining heterogeneous system modelling techniques and inhibits cost efficient transition of models from one CASE tool to another. This paper discusses the problems of incorporating heterogeneous system modelling techniques, including the extended entity-relationship approach and data flow diagrams, into a unifying conceptual framework. It also outlines the DROTIS project, which aims to develop a generic meta model and a set of interfaces and protocols to support the integration and interoperability of different system modelling techniques and CASE tools used for information systems development. The concept of a semantic space is introduced. This space allows the representation of different system modelling techniques as subsets of concepts in order to support their interoperability and federation.

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