The Troll Approach to Conceptual Modelling: Syntax, Semantics, and Tools


Authors: Antonio Grau, Hans-Dieter Ehrich, Juliana Küster Filipe, Mojgan Kowsari, Ralf Pinger, Silke Eckstein

Tags: 1998, conceptual modeling

In this paper, we present the use of Troll for the conceptual modelling of distributed information systems. Troll offers both textual and graphical notations. Troll has been used in practice to model an industrial information system. We use an extract of this case study to describe briefly the syntax and underlying semantics of the language. We also show a set of software tools that are being developed to support the modelling with Troll. These tools include editors, checkers as well as an animator for validating Troll specifications. We report on the experiences we gained by applying the language to the industrial project. Finally, a short description on further work is given.

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