The use of subtypes and stereotypes in the UML model


Authors: Brian Henderson-Sellers

Tags: 2002, conceptual modeling

Based on users’ experiences of Version 1.3 of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) of the Object Management Group (OMG), a Request For Information in 1999 elicited several responses which were asked to identify ` problems ” but not to offer any solutions. One of these responses is examined for ` problems ” relating to the UML metamodel and here some solutions to the problems identified there are proposed. Specifically, we evaluate the metamodel relating to stereotypes versus subtypes; the various kinds of Classifier (particularly Types, Interfaces and Classes); the introduction of a new subtype for the whole-part relationship; as well as identifying areas in the metamodel where the UML seems to have been used inappropriately in the very definition of the UML ‘s metamodel.

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