Toward a Formal Semantics for Control-Flow Process Models


Authors: Henry H. Bi, John Nolt

Tags: 2012, conceptual modeling

A number of information systems have been developed to automate business processes. For process modeling, verification, and automation in information systems, a formal semantics of control-flow process models is needed. Usually process modeling languages (e.g., BPMN, EPC, IDEF3, UML, and WfMC standards) are used to represent control-flow process models. When these process modeling languages are developed, their informal semantics are typically described using examples, but their formal semantics are not defined. Although many different semantics for control-flow process models have been proposed, the existing semantics specifications have limitations because they do not support certain desirable features. In this paper, we propose a new formalsemanticsfor control-flow process models. We show that it is more accurate, complete, and applicable than the existing semantics specifications.

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