Towards Indicators for HCI Quality Evaluation Support


Authors: Ahlem Assila, Houcine Ezzedine

Tags: 2014, conceptual modeling, Káthia Marçal de Oliveira

The current variety of existing approaches for HCI quality evaluation is marked by a lack of the integration of subjective methods (such as the questionnaire method) and objective methods (such as the electronic informer method) for supporting in making an evaluation final decision. Over the past decades, different researches have been interested to define various quality criteria with their measures. However, the lack in determining how to integrate qualitative with quantitative data leads us to specify new indicators for HCI quality evaluation. This paper aims at defining and constructing quality indicators with their measures related relatively to existing quality criteria based on ISO/IEC 15939 standard. These indicators allow the integration of qualitative and quantitative data and provide a basis for decision making about the quality of the HCI relatively to the evaluation quality criteria. This paper presents a proposal for defining and constructing quality indicators and it highlights a proposed example. A feasibility study of using a quality indicator is presented by the evaluation of traffic supervision system in Valenciennes (France) as a part of CISIT-ISART project.

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