Towards Modeling Dynamic Behavior with Integrated Qualitative Spatial Relations


Authors: Stefan Mitsch, Werner Retschitzegger, Wieland Schwinger

Tags: 2011, conceptual modeling

Situation awareness and geographic information systems in dynamic spatial systems such as road traffic management (RTM) aim to detect and predict critical situations on the basis of relations between entities. Such relations are described by qualitative calculi, each of them focusing on a certain aspect (e.g., topology). Since these calculi are defined isolated from each other, dependencies between then are not explicitly modeled. We argue, that a taxonomy—containing a plethora of special cases of inter-calculi dependencies—can only be defined in a consistent manner, if evolution of entities and the relations of calculi are grounded in a unified model. In this paper, we define such a unified model, which is used to derive a taxonomy of inter-calculi dependency constraints contained in an ontology utilizing various spatial calculi. The applicability of this approach is demonstrated with a case study in RTM, and concluded with lessons learned from a prototypical implementation.

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