Towards object-oriented conceptual modeling


Authors: Cristina Sernadas, José Fiadeiro

Tags: 1991, conceptual modeling

According to the object-oriented conceptual modeling approach that we present, a conceptual schema is a collection of fully concurrent objects that interact with each other. Such objects can correspond to either data components or process components since it is recognized that all components have a temporal existence in the sense that they can be created, can evolve and can he destroyed, if ever. An emphasis is put upon mechanisms for putting objects together in order to get more complex objects, namely inheritance as a safe import mechanism and aggregation of objects that interact through either event sharing or event calling. A proof-theoretic semantics is adopted. An object is a description (a signature and a collection of formulae) and mechanisms like interaction and aggregation are explained by description morphisms (‘mappings’ between descriptions that relate the signatures and the formulae). Examples are given for a very simple library system.

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