Towards Static Analysis of Executable DSMLs Using Model Typing


Authors: Ahmad Abdollahzadeh Barforoush, Reza Gorgan Mohammadi

Tags: 2015, conceptual modeling

Executable domain-specific modeling languages (xDSMLs) are enriched with sufficient details which allows their direct execution. An important challenge hampering the use of executable models is the potentiality of run-time misbehavior. In this paper we present a static analysis technique for xDSMLs based on the notion of model typing. The abstract syntax of the modeling language is represented using a directed type graph. The operational semantics of the language is defined using graph transformation rules with priorities. The model typing is provided with a type graph enriched by a collection of graph constraints. We discuss the soundness of the analysis technique with respect to the operational semantics. The proposed approach allows the enforcement of the desired properties in xDSMLs and will eliminate run-time misbehavior by preventing ill-typed models.

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