Transforming Conceptual Spatiotemporal Model into Object Model with Semantic Keeping


Authors: Chamseddine Zaki, Guillaume Moreau, Myriam Servières

Tags: 2011, conceptual modeling

Our work is developed in the context of spatiotemporal data modeling and more particularly of urban data modeling. Our goal is to propose a methodology describing the overall process of urban data modeling from the design phase to the implementation in an information system. For that, we propose, within a GIS, an approach based on a conceptual model specific to spatiotemporal data modeling MADS, and on an ODBMS for storing and manipulating data. MADS uses spatial and temporal types that are more precise than those of programming languages on which are based ODBMS. MADS is semantically richer than the object model, and the purpose of this paper is to present the transformation rules of this conceptual model into an object model that keeps (as close as possible) its semantics.

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