UB2SQL: A Tool for Building Database Applications Using UML and B Formal Method


Authors: Amel Mammar, Regine Laleau

Tags: 2006, conceptual modeling

UB2SQL is a tool for designing and developing database applications using UML and B formal method. The approach supported by UB2SQL consists of two successive phases. In the first phase, with the design of applications using class, state and collaboration diagrams, B specifications are automatically generated from UML diagrams; the diagrams are then augmented with these B specifications in place. The second phase deals with the refinement of these B specifications into a relational database implementation, for which UML representation is constructed. In both phases, proofs are achieved to ensure correctness of the obtained B specification and correctness of the refinement process. To overcome the lack of rules and tactics in the B prover, UB2SQL defines specific rules and tactics making the proof task seem like a push-button activity. To increase the usability of UB2SQL in both academic and industrial contexts, the tool has been integrated as a plug-in to the Rational Rose CASE tool. Such integration allows users to develop and be able to visualize graphical UML diagrams and formal B notation in a single environment.

Read the full paper here: https://www.igi-global.com/journal/journal-database-management