Understanding Model Quality Concerns When Using Process Models in an Industrial Company


Authors: Harald Wesenberg, John Krogstie, Merethe Heggset

Tags: 2015, conceptual modeling

Modelling has been used as a general technique in many companies for the last decades. Some already started using modelling in the eighties, trying out the first industrial CASE-tools. Their usage of modelling techniques has evolved over the years, finding new uses, and thus using the modelling techniques for supporting new goals. In our case company semi-formal modelling techniques have been taken into use on a large scale as a backbone for the company’ quality system. In this paper we report on the use of process modelling in particular on the aspects found necessary to emphasise to achieve the right quality of the models in this organisation, and how the understanding of needed quality has evolved as the usage of modelling has evolved. A recent evaluation of the use of models in the company is reported, using the SEQUAL framework as an analytical lens for understanding and assessing the quality of models. Whereas earlier a focus has been on objective quality characteristics, with detailed guidelines for empirical and syntactic quality of models, the later investigations have identified the importance of also supporting the process to achieve and keep higher level quality on the semantic, pragmatic and social level.

Read the full paper here: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-19237-6_25