Understanding Use Case-Driven Development in the UML


Authors: Brian Dobing, Jeffrey Parsons

Tags: 2008

This research proposes to use the Technology Acceptance Model to provide insight into the role of Use Case Narratives and the Use Case-driven approach in UML adoption. Practitioners with UML experience will be asked questions about their Acceptance of Use Case Narratives and their Perceived Usefulness. Acceptance will be measured based on Behavioral Intentions and Attitudes. Perceived Usefulness will be extended based on the UML literature to include specific areas of usefulness, including that Use Case Narratives improve communication with clients and help facilitate Project Management, Class Diagram development, and testing. Areas where User Case Narratives have been criticized for a lack of usefulness, including user interface design and programming, will be included as well. The study will also measure Perceived Ease of Use but, based on previous research, this construct is expected to play a lesser role. This research is expected to provide three main contributions. First, an improved understanding of the role of Use Cases in UML adoption should contribute to the ongoing evolution of the UML and related methodologies. Second, the study will extend the use of TAM to explaining how a technology is used rather than simply whether it is used. Third, this study will also provide a framework for future similar studies into other UML diagrams and their constructs.

Cite as:
Dobing B., Parsons J. (2008). “Understanding Use Case-Driven Development in the UML,” in AIS SIGSAND, Provo, Utah, United States, May 23-24, 2008.