User Progress Modelling in Counselling Systems: An Application to an Adaptive Virtual Coach


Authors: Kawtar Benghazi, Manuel Noguera, Nuria Medina-Medina, Zoraida Callejas

Tags: 2016, conceptual modeling

Counselling systems such as recommendation systems and virtual coaches assist users to gradually achieve their goals. For that purpose, it is usual to devise a progression plan consisting of intermediate, possibly interrelated, tasks or goals to be accomplished in order to guide counselees from their current state to a (desirable) target state, whilst taking into account their circumstances and needs. Users may also strive to progress in several dimensions or aspects at the same time. However, existing goal modelling proposals are mainly focused on processes and object flows, and do not reflect the variable manner in which user progression may actually take place. In this paper, we propose a user-goal oriented metamodel to represent progressions between user states that serves as a knowledge basis for the construction of adaptive counselling systems. The proposal is exemplified with the design of a virtual coach to promote active ageing in which personalization plays a key role.

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