Using NNF to transform conceptual data models to object-oriented database designs


Authors: David W. Embley, Wai Yin Mok

Tags: 1998, conceptual modeling

More work is needed on devising practical, but theoretically well-founded procedures for doing object-oriented database (OODB) design [17]. Design procedures should also be flexible enough to take into account various application characteristics (such as whether objects are very large or are read-only). In this paper, we present and discuss an OODB design procedure that addresses these problems. The procedure is practical in the sense that it is based on a common family of conceptual models and in the sense that it does not expect users to supply esoteric, difficult-to-discover, and hard-to-understand constraints (such as multivalued dependencies), nor does it make hard-to-check and easy-to-overlook assumptions (such as the universal relation scheme assumption). At the same time, the procedure is well-founded and formal, being based on NNF (Nested Normal Form [21]), a new theoretical result that characterizes properties of interest in designing complex objects. It is also adaptable to various applications characteristics.

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