Using UML Action Semantics for model execution and transformation


Authors: Alain Le Guennec, Gerson Sunyé, Jean-Marc Jézéquel

Tags: 2002, conceptual modeling

The Unified Modelling Language (UML) lacks precise and formal foundations and semantics for several modeling constructs, such as transition guards or method bodies. These semantic discrepancies and loopholes prevent executability, making early testing and validation out of reach of UML tools. Furthermore, the semantic gap from high-level UML concepts to low-level programming constructs found in traditional object-oriented language prevents the development of efficient code generators. The recent Action Semantics (AS) proposal tackles these problems by extending the UML with yet another formalism for describing behavior, but with a strong emphasis on dynamic semantics. This formalism provides both, a metamodel integrated into the UML metamodel, and a model of execution for these statements. As a future OMG standard, the AS eases the move to tool interoperability, and allows for executable modeling and simulation. We explore in this paper a specificity of the AS: its applicability to the UML metamodel, itself a UML model. We show how this approach paves the way for powerful metaprogramming for model transformation. Furthermore, the overhead for designers is minimal, as mappings from usual object-oriented languages to the AS will be standardized.

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