Utilizing a Multimedia UML Framework for an Image Database Application


Authors: Ilvio Bruder, Temenushka Ignatova

Tags: 2005, conceptual modeling

To support the design of data models for multimedia applications, we employ the concept of a framework introduced in object-oriented design. We define a UML framework, which can be used for deriving application-specific multimedia database models. With the UML framework, we define the core elements of a multimedia database model, such as mediatype- and application-independent structure, content, relationships and operations. Thereby, the advantages of using UML for representing multimedia data as well as shortcomings of this approach are discussed. Furthermore, we describe the utilization of the UML framework for the instantiation of a model for an image database of scanned handwritten music scores.

Read the full paper here: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/11568346_4