VACXENE: A User-Friendly Visual Synthetic XML Generator


Authors: Khoo Boon Tian, Sanjay Madria, Sourav S. Bhowmick

Tags: 2003, conceptual modeling

Synthetic collections of valid XML documents are useful in many XML applications. However, creating test cases for XML applications by manually from DTDs can be tedious and may not cover all possible or required instances. In this paper, we present VACXENE (VisuAl synthetiC Xml gENErator), a Java-based tool that creates test cases for XML applications by generating random instances of valid XML documents from a single DTD. XML generator provides a user-friendly GUI that allows us to control the appearance of the XML output by imposing user-defined constraints. The paper presents an overview of the various features supported by VACXENE and reports some preliminary results regarding performance.

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