Validation of UML Classes through Animation


Authors: Patricio Letelier, Pedro Sánchez

Tags: 2002, conceptual modeling

Animation is the validation of formal software specifications by means of automatically generated prototypes. Animation is an effective way of validating a specification against the stakeholder requirements. OASIS is a formal language for conceptual modeling. We have carried out experiments animating OASIS specifications. In this work we take advantage of our experi-ence animating OASIS specifications to provide animation support for UML classes. We illustrate that it is possible to use OASIS as a formal semantic framework for UML specifications. Obviously, OASIS does not cover as many model aspects as UML. We will concentrate on some UML diagrams, particu-larly in classes modeled in class diagrams to validate them through animation. To explain our approach, we give an example of a bank account and we show its UML model and its corresponding OASIS specification. Our aim is to build a module for animation and validation of specifications integrated in a CASE tool. We present a prototype of this module.

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