Various Notions of Soundness for Decision-Aware Business Processes


Authors: Kimon Batoulis, Mathias Weske, Stephan Haarmann

Tags: 2017, conceptual modeling

The Decision Model and Notation (DMN) specification enables process designers to represent the decision logic and requirements of business processes. When integrating DMN models into processes it needs to be assured that the correctness of the process is not impaired. The precise semantics for executing DMN models in the context of a business process permits to broaden existing soundness notions for workflow verification to encompass such decision-aware processes. This paper presents correctness notions for processes referring to DMN conform decision models and groups them in a manner that follows the intuition of the well established soundness notions for workflow nets. In doing so, we also make use of the different possible states the process can be in at the point at which a decision is made.

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