Virtual SIGSAND 2020 Program


    Welcome to the 2020 AIS SIGSAND symposium. This symposium is a forum for scholars, practitioners, and doctoral students interested in systems analysis and design (SAND). Our objective is to promote and develop high quality research on all issues related to SAND.

    Jon Beard, Arturo Castellanos, and Padmal Vitharana

    SIGSAND Officers and Program Co-Chairs

    Program Schedule (Friday May 22, 2020)

    9:15 – 9:30 am
    Padmal Vitharana, SIGSAND President
    Session 1
    Padmal Vitharana
    9:30 – 10:45 am
    Core Architecture and Future Extensions of BSO – Bunge’s Systemist Ontology
    Roman Lukyanenko HEC Montreal.
    Creative Organizational Climate and Implementation of Agile Project Management in Traditional Development Organizations: Does Creativity Matter?
    Polina Durneva Florida International University.
    Arturo Castellanos
    11:00 –12:00 pm
    Large Size and High Volatility: The Wicked Zone of Software Development Methodologies
    Dinesh Batra Florida International University, John Erickson Jr University of Nebraska, Omaha, Keng Siau Missouri University of Science and Technology, Carson Woo University of British Columbia.
    Session 2
    Jon Beard
    1:00 – 3:30 p.m.
    Applying Facets of Work as a Source of Knowledge and Insight for Requirements Determination
    Steven Alter University of San Francisco
    Is a Story Enough? Evaluating the Case of
    Graphical Conceptual Models in DevOps Work

    Binny M. Samuel University of Cincinnati, Roman Lukyanenko HEC Montréal, Jan Recker University of Cologne,
    Ilkay Nehir University of Cincinnati, Tanyel Srinivas Datla University of Cincinnati.
    How IT Learns: What Happens After Its Built
    Jon W. Beard Iowa State University.
    Crowdsourcing for Repurposable Data: What We Lose When We Train Our Crowds
    Shawn Ogunseye University of British Columbia, Jeffrey Parsons Memorial University of Newfoundland, Roman Lukyanenko HEC Montréal.