When conceptual model meets grammar: A dual approach to XMLdata modeling


Authors: Irena Mlýnková, Jakub Klímek, Jakub Malý, Martin Nečaský

Tags: 2012, conceptual modeling

In this paper we introduce a novel approach to conceptual modeling for XML schemas. Com-pared to other approaches, it allows for modeling of a whole family of XML schemas relatedto a particular application domain. It is integrated in a well-established way of software-engineering, namely Model-Driven Development (MDD). It allows software-engineers to nat-urally model their application domain using a conceptual schema at the platform-independentlevel of the MDD hierarchy. From there they can design the desired XML schemas in a form ofconceptual schemas at the platform-specific level of MDD hierarchy. Schemas at the platform-specific level are then automatically translated to particular XML schemas. Beside this forward-engineering direction, reverse-engineering direction integrating existing XML schemas intothe MDD hierarchy is supported as well.We provide several theoretical results which ensure correctness of the introduced approach.We exploit regular tree grammars to formalize XML schemas. We formalize the bindings be-tween the schemas at the two MDD levels and between schemas at the platform-specificlevel and XML schemas. We prove that conceptual schemas specify the target XML schemasunambiguously. We also prove the expressive power of the conceptual schemas. And, finally,we prove correctness of the introduced translation algorithms between platform-specificand XML schema levels.

Read the full paper here: https://reader.elsevier.com/reader/sd/pii/S0169023X1100125X?token=DFD95B9330C990572E02776FE1551CC69FF657364B1347072C6DB073098BF955D0D6E155F1F8F72DA7865C5080CAA010