Workflow Support for Mobile Data Collection


Authors: Peter Wakholi, Weiqin Chen

Tags: 2011, conceptual modeling, Jørn Klungsøyr

Mobile devices are increasingly being used for electronic data collection in low resource setting, where Internet-based solutions are infeasible. The data collection effort often requires the underlying processes, represented as data flows and workflows to be adhered. Workflow Management Systems (WFMS) could enable Mobile Data Collection (MDC) with workflow support as it is in Process Aware Information Systems. However, the use of WFMS for MDC designed for low resource settings needs to address challenges of mobile computing such as disconnections, slow connection links, limited computing power, etc. We present a framework that has been developed to integrate generic Data Collection tools with Workflow Management Systems (WFMS) to enable MDC in such resource-constrained environments. Furthermore we implement a tool based on this framework and provide an example of a vaccination registry project that uses mobile phones to record and track child immunisations.

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