A Method to Refine and Tailor System Development Methodologies


Authors: Robb Klashner, Timothy Burns

Tags: 2005, method tailoring, system development methodologies

System development practitioners have always modified
methodologies in order to create a better fit for their
circumstances. This paper describes how the “fit” can be
improved utilizing a new adaptation method for system
analysis and design methodologies. The method is based
on General Systems Theory. The aim of this current
research is to provide a more formal framework with a
structured method of refinement and tailoring rather than
typical ad hoc methods. The method utilizes the notion of
a “method fragment” from method engineering. Method
fragments help tease out the core competencies of the
organization through the refinement of system
development methodologies and the tailoring of
prescriptive models using descriptive approaches.

Cite as:
Klashner R., Burns T. (2005). “A Method to Refine and Tailor System Development Methodologies,” in AIS SIGSAND 2005, Cincinnati, OHIO, United States, April 23-24, 2005.