An Empirical Testing of an Agent Conceptual Modeling Technique


Authors: Kafui Monu

Tags: 2012, conceptual agent modeling, method evaluation

Conceptual models represent a person’s understanding of a situation and context, called a domain. Understanding the domain that an information system is situated in can lead to the development of information systems that are more useful for the end-user. Traditionally, conceptual modeling has focused on the data and events that are in the domain but “actors”-people in the domain- are the focus of recent techniques called agent conceptual modeling languages. One agent conceptual modeling method called the Organisational Actor Method specifically represents the internal and external view of the actor. The method has been used in test cases; however no empirical work has been done to show that users and analysts can represent the external and internal behavior of actors in a domain. In our work we found that the concepts are intuitive for users but that analysts need some guidance to effectively use the concepts to represent the domain.

Cite as:
Monu K. (2012), “An Empirical Testing of an Agent Conceptual Modeling Technique,” in AIS SIGSAND, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 1-2, 2012.