Artifact Sampling in Experimental Conceptual Modeling Research


Authors: Binny M. Samuel, Jeffrey Parsons, Roman Lukyananko

Tags: 2018, conceptual modeling

Experimental research in conceptual modeling typically involves comparing grammars or variations within a grammar, where differences between experimental groups are based on a focal construct of interest. However, a conceptual modeling grammar is a collection of many constructs and there is a danger that grammatical features other than those under consideration in an experiment can influence or confound the results obtained. To address this issue, we propose the use of artifact sampling as a way to systematically vary non-focal grammatical features in experimental conceptual modeling research to control for potential confounds or interactions between constructs of interest and other grammatical features. In this paper, we describe the approach and illustrate its application to the design of a large-scale study to compare alternative notations within the Entity-Relationship family of grammars.

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