Capture and Use of Knowledge: Can Knowledge Forms be Effective for Query Processing on the Web?


Authors: Veda C. Storey

Tags: 2005

The need to capture and use knowledge of the real world
as a human would has long been recognized by research
in management information systems and artificial
intelligence. The desire for research projects to
incorporate such information has resulted in calls for the
development of techniques and methods that capture and
use semantics in information processing. There is much
information stored in publicly-available repositories on
the World Wide Web, but accessing and using it is
difficult. However, if some of this information could be
employed, it would help to processes effectively queries
to obtain better results and to avoid obtaining many
irrelevant results. This research proposes four different
knowledge forms that could be used to capture and use
real world knowledge to make query processing more

Cite as:
Storey V.C. (2005). “Capture and Use of Knowledge: Can Knowledge Forms be Effective for Query Processing on the Web?,” in AIS SIGSAND 2005, Cincinnati, OHIO, United States, April 23-24, 2005.