planning - designing - developing IT
Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design

SIGSAND Symposium

Every year SIGSAND hosts a symposium which attracts researchers working in the area of systems analysis and design globally.

Building on SAND: Developing a stronger foundation for research validities and reliabilities based on...

Authors: Kai R. Larsen and Roman Lukyanenko Validity and reliability are among the...

Understanding the Effects of Gathering Data with Unstructured Interfaces

Traditionally, most data collection activities occurred within organizational boundaries and originated in highly structured and well-defined processes (e.g., collecting...

Toward a framework for making theoretical contributions using categories in IS

As part of doing research, scientists, including information systems researchers, ceaselessly propose new, apply existing or refine previously...

How Conceptual Modeling Can Support Machine Learning: Evidence from Foster Care

AbstractWith the transformation of our society into a “digital world,” machine learning has emerged as an essential...