planning - designing - developing IT
Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design

SIGSAND Symposium

Every year SIGSAND hosts a symposium which attracts researchers working in the area of systems analysis and design globally.

User Participation in Successful Systems Development: A Case Study

The importance of user participation or involvement for systems development success is now generally accepted, and rather than...

On Customizing Process Modeling: An Exploratory Case Study

While process modeling can provide several benefits, it comes with associated drawbacks and impediments. Prior research suggests that...

A Test of the Cognitive Effects of Ontological Construct Overload

The theory of ontological expressiveness posits that ontology can be used to predict the effects of conceptual modeling...

Developing Understanding through Guided Interaction in Conceptual Modeling

Defining information system requirements can be challenging. Researchers have proposed new techniques to address the challenge, such as...

Requirements Elicitation for Conceptual Modeling: Sufficiency and Effectiveness

Information requirements determination (IRD) is a critical activity in systems development. In the present research, we investigate the...

Using Goal-Based Concepts to Improve the Understandability of Organizational Context in Use-Case and Class...

Goals have been used in the Requirements Engineering field to document information systems needs. However, their utilization in...

Resource Allocation in IT Projects: Conceptual Modeling and Optimization

IT project managers are tasked with completing their assigned projects on time, on budget, within scope, with the...

User Resistance to Information Systems: Literature Review

End user resistance to information systems is a common occurrence that undermines the benefits sought by organizations....

A Framework to Select a Software Development Methodology and Practices

The choice of systems development methodology and the appropriate processes and techniques is important to the success...

Towards a Theory of Agile Information Systems Development

This paper suggests a theory of agility in the context of information system development that can be used...