planning - designing - developing IT
Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design

SIGSAND Symposium

Every year SIGSAND hosts a symposium which attracts researchers working in the area of systems analysis and design globally.

Building-block Classes (BBC) to Facilitate Project Velocity in Agile Development

Project velocity is a primary driver of success in agile methodologies such as XP (extreme programming). While it...

Conceptual Modeling: Going Beyond the Stigma of YAMA

Over the last two decades, the conceptual modeling community (within the IS discipline) has moved to a research...

An Information Modeling Study Using Eye-Tracking

This research stream uses neuroscience approaches to study information modeling constructs. Information modeling models the problem domains to...

Haves and have nots: An Ontological Examination of Negative Classification

Many conceptual modeling grammars include constructs to represent optionality and negation. Optionality enables the direct expression of class...

Aiding the Comprehension of Cardinality Constraints with Narratives

This study examined the comprehension of cardinality constraints in conceptual models. The aim was to enhance the comprehension...

Improving Coverage of Design in Information Systems Education

The Association for Computing Machinery and the Association for Information Systems publish a...

Top-down, Bottom-up or Just Information Foraging? Exploring the Process of Corrective SQL Maintenance Tasks

Software maintenance remains vital to the software development process. Structured Query Language (SQL) is a declarative programming language...

An Empirical Testing of an Agent Conceptual Modeling Technique

Conceptual models represent a person’s understanding of a situation and context, called a domain. Understanding the domain that...

Conceptual Modeling in Open-World Domains

Traditionally, the research and practice of conceptual modeling assumed a closed-world system, in which all relevant information about...

Toward a Social Ontology for Conceptual Modeling

Conceptual modeling is fundamental to information systems requirements engineering. Systems analysts and designers use the constructs and methods...