planning - designing - developing IT
Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design

SIGSAND Symposium

Every year SIGSAND hosts a symposium which attracts researchers working in the area of systems analysis and design globally.

A Review of Systems Implementation Literature

Implementation is a major aspect of information systems development. Looking at implementation in a high-level context, we offer...

A Work System Front End for Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

This paper proposes that basic ideas from the work system theory (WST) and the work system method (WSM)...

Optionality in Conceptual Models: A Complete Approach

There are a number of articles in the MIS literature arguing against the use of optional attributes in...

The Relationship Between User Requirements and Conceptual Models: Theory and an Empirical Investigation

Information requirements determination is the process by which analysts develop an understanding of needs for an information system....

Two empirical studies on the role of conceptual modeling in domain understanding in agile...

Agile development methods such as Extreme Programming or Scrum typically do not prescribe specific conceptual modeling practices. In...

Agile Domain Modeling for Agile Systems Development – Case Study

Agile software development methodologies have been criticized for not paying adequate attention to domain modeling, resulting in unclear...

Research Issues in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is radically transforming the IT industry and, as these concepts pervade and evolve throughout business and...

Determining the Usefulness of Representing Organisational Actor Thought-Processes Using Conceptual Modeling

Conceptual modeling in system analysis is used to identify the business requirements of an information system before the...

Towards A Unified View of Conceptual Modeling in Systems Analysis, Requirements Engineering and Systems...

Conceptual models are used in systems analysis, requirements engineering, databases, and software engineering. Diverse views about what should...

The Entity-Relationship Event Network (EREN) Technique for Effective Data Modeling

The resource-event-agent (REA) data model was proposed as a semantic approach for modeling transactions involved in value-chain activities....