Answering GPSJ Queries in a Polystore: A Dataspace-Based Approach
The discipline of data science is steering analysts away from traditional data warehousing and towards a more flexible and...
Data Management in the Era of Digitalization
In an increasingly digital world, the modeling and management of data is more important than ever as we move...
Keyword Search over RDF Datasets
This extended abstract first introduces the problem of keyword search overRDF datasets. Then, it expands the discussion to cover...
OOC-O: A Reference Ontology on Object-Oriented Code
With the rise of polyglot programming, different programming languages with different constructs have been combined in the same software...
Relations in Ontology-Driven Conceptual Modeling
For over a decade now, a community of researchers has contributed to the ontological foundations of Conceptual Modeling by...
On Complex Value Relations in Hive
In this paper, we raise the question how data architects model their data for processing in Apache Hive. This...
Data Capture and Analyses from Conversational Devices in the Homes of the Elderly
Conversational devices such as Amazon Echo and Google Home represent more than a way to tap into the behavioral...
GORO 2.0: Evolving an Ontology for Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering
Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering (GORE) gained prominence by covering some of the limitations of traditional Requirements Engineering (RE). As a...
Towards a Core Ontology for Scientific Research Activities
The increasing volume and complexity of scientific research data associated with its semantic heterogeneity demands strategies to enable data...
Using Ontologies for Comparing Modeling Techniques: Experience Report
The paper presents a comparison of two modelling techniques that can be used to describe an organization as an...