planning - designing - developing IT
Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design

Conference Papers

SIGSAND papers are published in many scientific conferences, including ICIS, AMCIS, HICSS, as well as the dedicated conference – SIGSAND Symposium. The recent conference publications are listed below.

Domain Ontology for Digital Marketplaces

Recently the sharing economy has emerged as a viable alternative to fulfilling a variety of consumer needs. As there...

Aligning DMBOK and Open Government with the FAIR Data Principles

In enterprise organizations, the value of data has been considered on strategic level for a long time. As valuable...

Exploring Semantics in Clinical Data Interoperability

The increasing amount of digital clinical information has prompted research in interoperating across numerous clinical data sources. Most solutions...

Exploring Reproducibility and FAIR Principles in Data Science Using Ecological Niche Modeling as a...

Reproducibility is a fundamental requirement of the scientific process since it enables outcomes to be replicated and verified. Computational...

Framework for Construction and Incremental Maintenance of High-Quality Linked Data Mashup

Due to the Linked Data initiative, previously isolated datasets are published as linked data. This enables the creation of...

Realizing Traceability from the Business Model to Enterprise Architecture

An enterprise architecture (EA) is a high-level representation of the enterprise, used for managing the relation between business and...

A Reference Architecture for Customizable Marketplaces

A broader term used for a platform in the sharing economy is ‘marketplace’. This is a type of e-commerce...

Creation of Multiple Conceptual Models from User Stories – A Natural Language Processing Approach

While Agile methodologies are used in software development, researchers have identified many issues related to requirements engineering in Agile...

Towards a Catalog of Goals for Strategic Coopetition

Coopetition describes a phenomenon in which actors cooperate and compete simultaneously. Actors cooperate to grow collective benefits and compete...

Early Identification of Potential Distributed Ledger Technology Business Cases Using e3value Models

Many Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) projects end prematurely without reaping benefits. Previous research has indicated a lack of sustainable...