planning - designing - developing IT
Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design

Conference Papers

SIGSAND papers are published in many scientific conferences, including ICIS, AMCIS, HICSS, as well as the dedicated conference – SIGSAND Symposium. The recent conference publications are listed below.

Behavior consistent extension of object life cycles

Various notions of conformance between operations of a subtype and operations of a supertype have been proposed (e.g., contravariance...

Color-X Event Model: Integrated specification of the dynamics of individual objects

In this paper we show that specifying the dynamics of a system as a whole requires more information than...

Database design with behavior and views using parameterized Petri nets

We propose a method and a modeling tool for the design of relational databases. This conceptual design technique incorporates,...

SEER: Security enhanced entity-relationship model for secure relational databases

In this paper we propose extensions of the ER modeling concepts to address the conceptual modeling of security features...

Neural network technology to support view integration

The most difficult and time consuming activity to perform during view integration is to find correspondences between different view...

Graphical Entity Relationship models: Towards a more user understandable representation of data

The Entity Relationship Model was originally proposed as a way of representing user requirements in a way that non-technical...

Modeling and system maintenance

This paper reports on recent work and directions in modern software architectures and their formal models with respect to...

Benefits and quality of data modelling — Results of an empirical analysis

In this paper the results of an empirical study about benefits and quality of data modelling are presented. The...

Adaptive schema design and evaluation in an object-oriented information system

This paper develops a formal framework for characterizing “normalization” in object-oriented schema design. We introduce style rules for achieving...

Normative language approach a framework for understanding

The development of information systems often presents communication problems between developers and users, because the languages used by both...