Conceptual Modeling in Open Information Environments


Authors: Arturo Castellanos, Binny M. Samuel, Monica Chiarini Tremblay, Roman Lukyanenko

Tags: 2016, basic level categories, conceptual modeling, ontology

As more Information Systems (IS) are developed to support a larger diversity of users, analysts can no longer rely on a single group of individuals to complete domain specifications—especially in heterogeneous settings. This paper aims to bridge this gap by providing a theoretical ground for the existence and use of basic level classes. These classes can guide conceptual modeling, database design, and user interface development in traditional and emergent domains.

Cite as:
Castellanos A., Lukyanenko R., Samuel B., and Tremblay M. (2016). “Conceptual Modeling in Open Information Environments,” in AIS SIGSAND, Lubbock, TX, United States, May 12-14, 2016.