Do Programmers make good systems analysts? – An Exploratory Research Agenda


Authors: Subhashish Dasgupta

Tags: 2015

Programming, and systems analysis or business analysis require different skill sets. As educators an d professionals in information systems we have talked about two schools of thought about programming and systems analysis. One group believes that programming is a prerequisite for systems analysis. At the very minimum programming is needed to understand how requirements are analyzed and systems built. Some even suggest that good programmers make good systems analysts. The second group believes that programmers do not make good analysts. Analysts should concentrate on business processes not programming. In this preliminary research I explore the current literature on programming and systems analysis, their required skill sets, and suggest a research agenda.

Cite as:
Dasgupta S. (2015). “Do Programmers make good systems analysts? – An Exploratory Research Agenda,” in AIS SIGSAND, Richmond, VA, United States, May 13-15, 2015.