Evaluation techniques for systems analysis and design modelling methods – a review and comparative analysis


Authors: Keng Siau, Matti Rossi

Tags: 2011, conceptual modeling

Even though hundreds of modelling methods are in existence today,practitioners and researchers are zealously ‘producing’ new modelling methods.The ‘blooming’ production of modelling methods is not the problem; the lack ofstandardized techniques for evaluating them is. To complicate the matter evenfurther, most of the modelling methods have been introduced based on commonsense and intuition of the methods’ developers. Many of these methods lacktheoretical foundations and empirical evidence to demonstrate their worthiness.With the current state of affairs, studies on evaluation of modelling methods havebecome necessary and critical. Comparing modelling methods provides us withthe necessary knowledge and understanding of the strengths and weaknesses ofeach method. This knowledge can also guide us in our quest for better modellingmethods. This paper reviews various evaluation techniques used by bothresearchers and practitioners. The evaluation techniques are categorized intothree classifications: feature comparison, theoretical and conceptual evaluation,and empirical evaluation. This research also analyses the underlying philosophiesand assumptions of these evaluation techniques.

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