Exploring the Impact of Anchoring and Adjustment on Database Query Reuse


Authors: Gove Allen, Jeffrey Parsons

Tags: 2005, adjustment, anchoring, query formulation, reuse, SQL

Cognitive heuristics are basic unconscious mechanisms
people use to cope with complexity in problem solving.
However, the use of heuristics has been shown to produce
biases across a variety of tasks. The anchoring heuristic
and resulting adjustment bias have been shown to affect
the reuse of program code and design models in systems
development. In this research, we extend the notions of
anchoring and adjustment to the reuse of SQL queries.
We present the rationale for, and design of, an experiment
to test the propensity to anchor and impact of the
adjustment bias.

Cite as:
Allen G., Parsons J. (2005). “Exploring the Impact of Anchoring and Adjustment on Database Query Reuse,” in AIS SIGSAND 2005, Cincinnati, OHIO, United States, April 23-24, 2005.