Influence of Business Process Flexibility On Individual Outcomes


Authors: Amit V. Deokar, Hillol Bala

Tags: 2011, business process, process continuance intention, process flexibility, process performance, process satisfaction

Effective and efficient execution of business processes is critical for organizational performance. Organizations implement process-aware information systems (IS) such as enterprise systems to make business processes effective and efficient. However, implementation of these systems typically makes business processes complex and rigid. Consequently, employees who are responsible for executing these processes find it difficult to cope with them. There has been increasing interests in the business process management (BPM) literature about designing business processes that are flexible. The objective of the current research is to understand individuals’ perceptions of process flexibility and the influence of process flexibility on individual outcomes. We propose that process flexibility will have a positive influence on outcomes such as process performance, process satisfaction, and process continuance intention. We plan to conduct two studies—an experiment and a field study—to examine the influence of process flexibility on individual outcomes. This research is expected to contribute to information technology (IT) implementation and BPM literatures by offering insights on the role of flexibility during process execution by employees.

Cite as:
Bala H. and Deokar A.V., (2011). “Influence of Business Process Flexibility On Individual Outcomes,” in AIS SIGSAND, Bloomington, IN , United States, June 3-4, 2011.