Process Framework for Hybrid Enterprise Level Systems Development


Authors: Gary Spurrier, Heikki Topi

Tags: 2018, agile, hybrid, plan-driven, systems development

Current academic and industry discussion regarding systems development methodologies and approaches typically focuses on agile development and/or DevOps. Much of this discussion, however, ignores dimensions of systems development processes that are essential for enterprise level projects. Frequently, hybrid options between agile and plan-driven development approaches are not given a sufficient consideration. In this paper, we propose a process framework for enterprise level systems development that provides a foundation for designing development process characteristics in a way that carefully considers the system, the environment, and the resources as factors affecting the optimal process choice. The model specifically recognizes the role of COTS, SaaS, and other external sources of software capabilities; emphasizes the fact that all development processes should be carefully planned; and explicitly recognizes the impact that the outcomes of all enterprise level software projects have on the organizations in which they are implemented.

Cite as:
Topi H. and Spurrier G. (2018). “Process Framework for Hybrid Enterprise Level Systems Development,” in AIS SIGSAND, Syracuse, NY, United States, May 23 – 25, 2018.