Requirements Elicitation for Conceptual Modeling: Sufficiency and Effectiveness


Authors: Glenn J. Browne, Vijay Khatri

Tags: 2010, conceptual data models, domain expertise, entity-relationship diagrams, geospatial temporal models, information requirements determination, stopping rules

Information requirements determination (IRD) is a critical activity in systems development. In the present research, we investigate the impact of the sufficiency of information gathered during IRD on the quality of conceptual models constructed to reflect those requirements. In particular, we test whether particular cognitive stopping rules for determining sufficiency have an impact on the quality of EntityRelationship diagrams. We also investigate several exploratory hypotheses and research questions, including motivational stopping rules and potential differing effects of stopping rule use with geospatial temporal conceptual models (in contrast to conventional models) and in participants with different levels of domain expertise. Potential implications for theory and practice are discussed in this research-inprogress paper.

Cite as:
Browne G.J. and Khatri V. (2010). “Requirements Elicitation for Conceptual Modeling: Sufficiency and Effectiveness,” in AIS SIGSAND, St. John’s, NL, Canada, May 29-30, 2010.