Research Opportunities in SAND


To stimulate future SAND research, below, please find a list of some of the research opportunity and agenda-setting papers related to SAND. If we missed a paper, please contact us and suggest a paper for inclusion into this list:

Abbasi, A., Sarker, S., & Chiang, R. H. (2016). Big data research in information systems: Toward an inclusive research agenda. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 17(2).

Alter, S. and Browne, G.J., 2005. A broad view of systems analysis and design: implications for research. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 16(1), p.50.

Beath, C., Berente, N., Gallivan, M. J., and Lyytinen, K. 2013. “Expanding the Frontiers of Information Systems Research: Introduction to the Special Issue,” Journal of the Association for Information Systems (14:4).

Becker, J., Vom Brocke, J., Heddier, M. and Seidel, S., 2015. In search of information systems (grand) challenges. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 57(6), pp.377-390.

vom Brocke, J., Winter, R., Hevner, A., and Maedche, A. 2020. “Accumulation and Evolution of Design Knowledge in Design Science Research: A Journey through Time and Space,” Journal of the Association for Information Systems. 21 (3).

Browne, G. J., and Parsons, J. 2012. “More Enduring Questions in Cognitive IS Research,” Journal of the Association for Information Systems (13:12), pp. 1000–1011.

Burton-Jones, A., and Grange, C. 2012. “From Use to Effective Use: A Representation Theory Perspective,” Information Systems Research (24:3), pp. 632–658.

Burton-Jones, A., Recker, J., Indulska, M., Green, P., and Weber, R. 2017. “Assessing Representation Theory with a Framework for Pursuing Success and Failure,” MIS Quarterly (41:4), pp. 1307–1333.

Chen, P. 2006. “Suggested Research Directions for a New Frontier – Active Conceptual Modeling,” in ER 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 1–4.

Clarke, R., Burton-Jones, A. and Weber, R., 2016. On the ontological quality and logical quality of conceptual-modeling grammars: The need for a dual perspective. Information Systems Research, 27(2), pp.365-382.

Hansen, S., Berente, N., and Lyytinen, K. 2009. “Requirements in the 21st Century: Current Practice and Emerging Trends,” Design Requirements Engineering: A Ten-Year Perspective, pp. 44–87.

Indulska, M., Recker, J., Rosemann, M., & Green, P. (2009, June). Business process modeling: Current issues and future challenges. In International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (pp. 501-514). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Krogstie, J., Lyytinen, K., Opdahl, A. L., Pernici, B., Siau, K., and Smolander, K. 2004. “Research Areas and Challenges for Mobile Information Systems,” International Journal of Mobile Communications (2:3), pp. 220–234.

Lukyanenko, R., Castellanos, A., Parsons, J., Chiarini Tremblay, M., and Storey, V. C. 2019. “Using Conceptual Modeling to Support Machine Learning,” in Information Systems Engineering in Responsible Information Systems, Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 170–181.

Lukyanenko, R., Parsons, J., Wiersma, Y. F., Sieber, R., & Maddah, M. (2016). Participatory Design for User-generated Content: Understanding the challenges and moving forward. Scand. J. Inf. Syst., 28(1).

Lyytinen K, King JL (2006) Standard making: a critical research frontier for information systems research. MIS Quarterly 30:405-411

March, S. T., & Allen, G. N. 2009. Challenges in requirements engineering: A research agenda for conceptual modeling. In Design requirements engineering: A ten-year perspective (pp. 157-165). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

McDaniel, M. and Storey, V.C., 2019. Evaluating domain ontologies: clarification, classification, and challenges. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 52(4), pp.1-44.

Nalchigar, S. and Yu, E., 2018. Business-driven data analytics: a conceptual modeling framework. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 117, pp.359-372.

Recker, J., Lukyanenko, R., Sabegh, M. A., Samuel, B. M., and Castellanos, A. 2021. “From Representation to Mediation: A New Agenda for Conceptual Modeling Research in A Digital World,” MIS Quarterly (45:1), pp. 1–40.

Recker J (2012) BPMN research: what we know and what we don’t know. In: International Workshop on Business Process Modeling Notation. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 1-7

Sengupta, B., Chandra, S. and Sinha, V., 2006. A research agenda for distributed software development. In Proceedings of the 28th international conference on Software engineering (pp. 731-740).

Storey, V. C., and Song, I.-Y. 2017. “Big Data Technologies and Management: What Conceptual Modeling Can Do,” Data & Knowledge Engineering (108), pp. 50–67.

Storey V. C., Lukyanenko R., and Castellanos A. (2023), “Conceptual Modeling: Topics, Themes, and Technology Trends.” ACM Computing Surveys. pp. 1-43.

Stroh, F., Winter, R., & Wortmann, F. (2011). Method Support of Information Requirements Analysis for Analytical Information Systems: State of the Art, Practice Requirements, and Research Agenda. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 3, 33-43.

Taipalus, T., & Seppänen, V. (2020). SQL education: A systematic mapping study and future research agenda. ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE), 20(3), 1-33.

Tilson, D., Lyytinen, K., and Sørensen, C. 2010. “Research Commentary—Digital Infrastructures: The Missing IS Research Agenda,” Information Systems Research (21:4), pp. 748–759.

Topi, H. and Ramesh, V., 2002. Human factors research on data modeling: a review of prior research, an extended framework and future research directions. Journal of Database Management (JDM), 13(2), pp.3-19.

Wand, Y., and Weber, R. 2002. “Research Commentary: Information Systems and Conceptual Modeling – A Research Agenda,” Information Systems Research (13:4), pp. 363–376.

Winter, S., Berente, N., Howison, J., and Butler, B. 2014. “Beyond the Organizational ‘Container’: Conceptualizing 21st Century Sociotechnical Work,” Information and Organization (24:4), pp. 250–269.

Yoo, Y., Henfridsson, O., & Lyytinen, K. (2010). Research commentary—the new organizing logic of digital innovation: an agenda for information systems research. Information systems research, 21(4), 724-735.

Yu, E.S., 2009. Social Modeling and i. In Conceptual modeling: Foundations and applications: Essays in honor of John Mylopoulos, pp. 99-121.

Zamansky, A., Van Der Linden, D., & Baskin, S. (2017). Pushing boundaries of RE: Requirement elicitation for non-human users. In 2017 IEEE 25th International Requirements Engineering Conference, pp. 406-411.


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