Resource Allocation in IT Projects: Conceptual Modeling and Optimization


Authors: Michael A. Chilton

Tags: 2014, IT projects, resource allocation, schedule optimization

IT project managers are tasked with completing their assigned projects on time, on budget, within scope, with the required functionality and error free. Despite this onerous charge, IT projects often fail to meet these specifications. The reasons for project failure are numerous and have been well studied and identified in the literature; however, most studies assume that project managers are completely devoted to the execution of the project and disregard any time wasting efforts that keep them from these duties. One such issue that often detracts from the PM’s main duties is that of assigning the proper workload to each worker. The onset of and solution to this problem are not well handled by current software scheduling programs. The purpose of this paper is to present a potential solution that will help PMs avoid the problem of over-allocated resources altogether.

Cite as:
Chilton M. A. (2014). “Resource Allocation in IT Projects: Conceptual Modeling and Optimization,” in AIS SIGSAND, Saint Louis, MO, United States, May 31 – June 1, 2014.